Monday, August 26, 2013

Back In Action

It would appear that I inadvertently took the summer off! Things get busy, priorities get shuffled, and time somehow slips by without our noticing. I spent the part of the summer with Paul, which was wonderful. Throughout the summer I was at some point (in transit) in 15 states! As soon as I got back it was one short trip after another and I'm getting ready to head back to North Carolina for a week!

So with all this travel, I have (been forced to) dramatically improve my packing skills, and I can thank the Army for the help, or at least their clothing folding methods. My newest challenge is to pack for a two week trip with just carry-on luggage. I will be spending a week in North Carolina and then straight on to England for another week and my brother and beautiful soon to be sister-in-law's wedding!! I don't have checked luggage for the first leg of the trip so I won't have it for the second. 

I just finished packing and here is what I managed to fit:

4 dresses (including two formal ones for rehearsal and wedding) 
3 pairs of pants
3 pairs of shorts
12 shirts
5 pairs of socks
1 sweatshirt
1 jacket
1 swimsuit
4” heels
2 belts
2 pair tights
Makeup pouch

You can't tell from the picture, but it zips easily, and I could probably sneak some more things in on top! My personal bag with hold my camera, computer, books, and anything else I may need.

I have to admit I am fairly impressed with the packing space this modified rolling method opens up!

How to: Life Hacker has an in depth tutorial on how to do it, but the easiest way is just to search for video like this one to explain it! Good Luck!