Tuesday, June 11, 2013


At the crux of the life of a military wife is finding ways to continually challenge herself and grow in the face of uncertainty. Often times a career seems like a far off dream, and there are times were it isn't even a possibility. So what to do in the meantime? Since Paul left in March I've been working on gaining new skills so that I'm not left stagnant, simply waiting. 

Great things to learn:

My most recent project, including the cat for your viewing pleasure: 
I finally got those collegey t-shirts out of the closet!


  1. I just signed up for a free class through Penn State! :) Who says because I graduated I have to stay away? I know how much you love the Penn State pride. HAHA.

    1. Wonderful, and that you do! I just signed up for "The Camera Never Lies" on Coursera. You should check it out, it starts in about week and a half.
